Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Starting our fundraising efforts

The garage sale was such a BIG success.  We raised over $1500 towards our goal.  We have a long way to goal but it is a great start!  We have added two ways people can give to our mission trip.  There is a "Donate" button below for PayPal which will take you to BOHI's account and you can make a tax deductible donation there.  We also have a GoFundMe account to try and hit a broader audience.  If you would be willing to share one or both of these with others either through Facebook or by sharing this blog we would greatly appreciate it.  We are also looking for people willing to give monthly support.  If you are interested in this please let me know and we can send you a pledge sheet to do that.  Thank you to everyone for your support!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our first garage sale!

Hi all! This Saturday from 7am - 1pm at 24851 Costeau St., Laguna Hills, CA 92653, we will be having our first garage sale to help raise funds for our 2016 mission. If you like bargain shopping or would like to bring moral support, please stop by! We don't have much furniture but we have lots of school supplies, books, house supplies, gifts, collectibles, bikes, BBQ's and more!  Also, please help us out by encouraging your friends to follow our blog! Thank you!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Ready, Set, Go!

It's so hard to believe that we are planning to take our family to South Africa and Zimbabwe for six months!   We will be there from March - August of 2016.  We are traveling to these places as an extension of Beacon of Hope International, an incredible ministry dedicated to providing AIDS awareness and prevention through presenting the Smart Choices program to high schools.  Bryan's main purpose while there will be to establish a follow up program to encourage a lasting relationship between students we have reached and partner churches in their area.  Anjuli and the kids look forward to helping out local ministries for women and children and seeing where the Lord may lead them to work to bring help and healing to those in need.

What an amazing opportunity God is presenting us with!  We are in awe of His goodness and faithfulness, and trust in Him to provide and take our family to these countries to work for His glory.  We are looking forward to what He has in store for us and the things He is looking to teach us.  We pray daily that we will be in His will and that we will be open for any direction He takes us.

Would you join us on this incredible journey?  Please join this blog and you will receive updates on this exciting yet crazy time.  We would love your prayers and thoughts as we follow God's will for our family!

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me!”